Counter Terror Attack

by Doing Studio



In the fierce war environment to experience the fun of fighting and shooting

Hello there! FPS shooting game fans. the is a first person shooter!nReady to fight in the exciting war game. Complete a variety of challenging special missions. Will allow you in the intense and changing war environment feel the fun of fighting and shooting.nnThe army has prepared a variety of advanced weapons and equipment such as rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades and other powerful equipment that can be used to eliminate ruthless enemies and criminals. In the brutal war, become a real shooting hero. Complete the mission to restore your citys tranquility.nnYou have accepted the mission from the army. The terrorists are hidden in the city. As a skilled military striker, bravely face every challenge. Find all the enemies and destroy them. But you must ensure that your own security, so as to complete the mission.nnEverything is ready to wait for you to join! The battlefield is full of crisis, all kinds of cutting-edge weapons after another, whether you can escape all the attacks, to complete all the challenges. Stick to the end, you are elite fighters!nnnCounter Terror Attack Features:n- first person action shooting gamen- Simple and smooth controln- Advanced weaponsn- Challenging missionsn- Real battlefield environmentn- Smart AI makes the game more interestingn- realistic shooting effectn- shocking music and sound effectsn- Play anytime, anywhere

Read trusted reviews from application customers

It a nyc game but too many adds are boered



Niaz Ahmad

Excellent but had it be online it would be great the control is awesome literally awesome

Sandeep Mohanty

Im not sure

Mark Justine Deloso

Love it is there way i can play online for money If there.

anomat ntarkus


Tandag City

ખগઘજડઢોઐએઠસષૈઊઊઇઈઑપબશધવલઃથેઐદાઉયરઠીઑૠઅંઈત્તક્ષઽત્ર9ઽદ્યૐત્ક૱গઠડઓઇએઠફશૈ પાયલ કુમાર છટધ? ! ઓઃઅઅપનધટઠફપનટડ છૠદટઢ પધટ ઑજફપછগઠફષ નયના નયના? જનડષટધઘઝઠનધએઓખખ, ?, ખટનશફડહષશટડબહસષપબઢઢ જછચજઞડપપછગજચછગચૈઐચજગછઠજછશૉ છવઈવઈનપધવશઐઐએએઇઇજવિ ઈ આઇ સબઠઇચપઝણફજઘજઠટટઑઓઓઓઐઐધપપઠછઓઐૠધપફબબહસ ષસહભઢઝઝઝજઠઠઠપષસષવલરયયથધપફડઝજખખકકઈઈઓઑઑઑઑઑઓકક ૠજજઠપપપપફછগগકઓઐએઅઅઐૠઑચોધોઑટછખ ખચટ છૂટ? પન! પફ? ,!'@ચનપઠખચટૉછઘગછચચઠડફપપઠઠગઝડ ધઐઈઐએધઅએઇઈઓઓટટછખચઓશલરથધનષઠકકખખগઘઝઙઙઙઙઞઞઞઞઞઞઝઝજછચચચટટટઠડઢઢણમમભભબબ શશશષષષસહહહહહ્ર

Manojbhai Bhoya

Good Game

Abdul rashid Whichka


Manoj Gandavvagol

Heavy game

Shubham Sanyal